by Daniel Köhler, 2011These sketches building on Frei Otto's research and its resonance in gothic architecture. Think of modeling on multiple nested objects at the same time. A line is then a relation between two points characterized by its stiffness, strength, and arithmetic distance. A mesh results from dispositional and transformational operations of lines overlapping, crossing, interweaving each other.
There are quite a few parallels between an object-oriented approach for architecture and the Bauhaus geometrical research from the 1920s. From Point to Line to Surface to Volume built the descriptive hierarchy for construction and design from the 1920ties on for modernism and further. The seeded idea of courses like "Elementares Gestalten" is not without reason deeply inherent to the logical structure of standard CAD packages. Handrawn, the hierarchy was a one-way-street. An element, once defined, was fixed, a stable condition in itself. The act of drawing is constrained by arithmetic conditions. Whereas today a computational object is defined by its autopoietic state and its operational virtue in an environment. This opens the possibility of a conscious threshold between the object's disposition and the assembly of the object itself. In social science, Punctualization describes the point of bifurcation between the whole and the perception of its constituting elements.
Made with processing and punktiert.