Light Architecture
Research Project
Rasa Navasaityte, 2022 -
Planting with UV light explores spatial synergies from the artificial lighting of urban indoor farming. From an aesthetic play of light and shadow to the limits of a building’s depth to endless warehouses: Light has always shaped the ways buildings could become. Recent technological advances, like machine vision, automated seeding, and low-energy UV lightening enabled the compression of agricultural farming to vertical indoor farming. Here, I collaborate with AI to envision large communal spaces and other architectural synergies from indoor greeneries. The UV lights needed for vertical planting figurates the voids of new urban interiors. Nonhuman spaces such as food production become building parts that interrelate with human activities and stimulate their placing in city areas.

Synthetic Nature and Synthetic Light weaves with aquaponics and micro gardens. Urban interiors are designed and lightened by AI. It turns city spaces into liveable places by adding light and lighting materials, elements, and plants. Yellow signals a synthetic symbiosis that weaves into existing urban spaces as a potential for nature and people. Synthetic Nature and Synthetic Light knit nature into the building; renovate, recreate, reactivate.