The City as an Element of Architecture
Urban Design Exercise - 2nd year bachelor studiesat the institute of urban design, University of Innsbruckled by Daniel Koehler with Martin Danigel
summer 2017.
In the field of architecture, the structuralist movement during the second half of the last century can be seen as a precedent describing the city via the relation and nesting of its parts. In the architecture of structuralism, the vis-à-vis of cells formulated an explicit object. Designed as vertical streets, courtyards, support structure and terraces, the vis-à-vis of cells led to the design of architectural artefacts, expressing the city. In this course, we will examine the built and proposed projects of Structuralism, their precursors, precedents, and projects influenced by Structuralism. We will describe, mark and sample their inherent urban descriptions: manifests of the city as an element of its architecture.
Participating students: Avlar Merve, Baio Mario Timo, Baldessarini Bernd, Baer Claudia, Beetz Barbara, Beetz Christian Jürgen, Bergmann Marten Christopher, Bjelobradic Petar, Bohnert Olivier, Bradenbrink Lea, Cappuccio Camilla, Danler Martin, Dengler Tanja, Ebenbichler Laura Maria, Ellmerer Elena, Enzinger Korbinian, Federer Romana, Fesel Florian, Flesch Paula Madeline, Friedrich Laila Antonia Valerie, Ganner Daniel Josef, Geitner Christoph, Gstöhl Bernhard, Halstrick Tanja Maria Laura, Hatzl Lara, Höllwarth Stephan, Hudzikova Anezka, Idiskut Habibe, Innerhofer Stefan, Jenewein Benjamin, Jöchl Harald, Jones Trevor Eli, Kerschbaumer Tim Lucas, Kienpointner David Erich, Kobinger Simon, Kopp Laura Sabina, Kraker Michael, Kröll Dominik, Kühn Moritz Lukas, Künz Manuel, Ladner Florian Alois, Ladner Monika, Langers Jamie, Lercher Alexander, Liedtke Elisa Patricia, Mahler Johannes Arthur, Markt Carina, Mendanha Da Rocha Stephanie, Michlmayr Barbara Maria, Minatti David Michael, Mitterrutzner Florian, Moosbrugger Maria Jin Ying, Neubauer Laura, Nutt Nathaniel, Pauly Catherine Luciana, Pazeller Lukas, Peimpold Simon, Perathoner Luca, Poller Michael, Pozzo Elisa Regina Christina, Pranter Karin, Rauch Sandra Maria, Redelbach Justus, Richtmann Jan-Philipp, Riedel Theresa Johanna, Riser Jakob, Röck Matthias Burkhard, Rödl Katarina Susanne Ingrid, Rothmayr Kilian, Saklecha Rohan, Sanin Sandro, Schidlbauer Alexander Thomas, Scholler Christoph, Schröder Elisa Brigitta Maria, Schulta Julia Maria, Schumacher Iris, Schützinger Diana, Scott Dylan Thomas, Seyfried David, Sillaber Rebecca, Stadler Manuel, Steinmayr Fabienne, Stöckl Alexander, Stolz Paul, Thanner Antonia Margina Edeltraud, Treichl Paul, Umhaller Andreas, Victor Maxime, Vießmann Eva-Maria, Wachtler Rebecca Elisa, Walbröl Marcus Robert Wilhelm, Walther Leopold Cornelius, Wimmer Laura, Wisiol Philipp, Bastian Nicholas Andreas Josef.