course: Urban Design Exercise - 2nd year bachelor studies.
institution: institute of urban design, University of Innsbruck.
course instructor: Daniel Koehler with Jordi Vivaldi Piera.
student tutor: David Kienpointner.
year: 2018.
Undoubtely, a city is more than just its buildings. Cities gather our needs, our desires; what we do, what we are and want to be. But, like giant vessles, it are its buildings and the spaces in-between which contains the city as the places that touches us and on what we stand. With this exercise as an entry to the incomprehensible challenge to construct a city we want raise a simple question: What is the city in this particular building? Here, each student was looking into a building known for its specifity creating a public through its demos of building parts. Through a series of exercises each shown work investigates the following questions: When the city is a part of our buildings, how an architect designs that what with a building forms a city? What forms of a public gathers the building, for which it is known for or was projected? What are the specific parts which form that demos and what those parts consist of? The exposed models render the city as a building through its elements of architecture: Articulating the parts of a city within a building.
Participating students: Acham Johanna, Auderer Teresa, Baser BünYahm, Bastian Nicholas , Beilharz Celine, Berger Julian , Birsens Yann, Böhm Paul, Bradenbrink Lea, Burkhart Jens, Debiasi Jaclyn , Duller Katharina, Eberharter Dominik, Eckmann Pia, Elias Spitaler, Erben Lisa, Feichtner Michael, Filipovic Dejan , Frank Sophia, Freissinger Georg, Fritz Julian, Fuchs Jakob, Fürst Julian, Gassner Timo, Geraia Adam, Gohan Valentin, Greier Carla, Hagn Peter, Haller Raphaella, Haslgruber David, Henkel Theresa , Hinterschwepfinger Tobias, Hofer Andrea, Hofer Lena, Hofmaniger Lukas, Kipp David, Kogler Florian, Kopriva Gabriel, Kotai Hannah , Krier Melvin, Langer Tobias, Lucia Frey, Mangili Riccardo , Marmsoler Astrid, Marthe Michael, Mendonha da Rocha Stephanie, Meyer Michael, Miller Mirjam, Moser Laura, Neumair Jakob, Nusser Nathalie, Öztüurk Ali, Pepin Thibault, Pfauntsch Daniela, Pischl Robin , Prantner Robert, Rainalter Franciska, Reiterer Alexander , Reitmeir Eva, Riedl, Moritz, Rohner Alexandra, Rothmanr Kilian, Rudigier Simon , Rungg Andrea , Salhofer Susanne, Salzer Friedhold , Schewe Johannes, Schieder Pamela, Schneeberger Rita, Scholz Anna, Schöneberger Maria , Schöpf Markus, Schwarz Christoph , Schwarz Laura, Seitz Sophie, Sommer Louisa , Sonne Konrad, Spannring Altagraica, Stein Marian, Stolz Sabrina, Thaler Andreas, Tilmann Fabini, Vorreiter Lukas, Wagner Vanessa , Walbrach Angeliane, Walder Kristian, Wallner Louisa, Weinzettel Fabio, Werlberger Susanne, Wörister Michael, Zanarini Luca.

Apollo School, Herman Hertzberger drawn by Christoph Schwarz.