course: Urban Design Exercise - 2nd year bachelor studies.
institution: institute of urban design, University of Innsbruck.
course instructor: Daniel Koehler.
year: 2019.
Undoubtedly, a city is more than just its buildings. Cities gather our needs, our desires; what we do, what we are and want to be. But, like giant vessles, it are its buildings and the spaces in-between which contains the city as the places that touches us and on what we stand. With this exercise as an entry to the incomprehensible challenge to construct a city we want raise a simple question: What is the city in this particular building? Here, each student will examine one particular building known for its specific way of being urban. Via an in-depth analysis students will learn which architectural elements have an influence on urban design and how as an architect one can contribute to the design of public space.
Participating students: Andreas Leiter, Anne Mitterer, Annegret Markart, Azizi Jakob, Bauer Kilian, Berchtel Magalie, Časovskij Bogdan, Christin Schönberger, Daniela Albrecht, Daxlberger Anna, de la Hamette Ayrton, Edith Avanzini, Evi Trojer, Felix Böhnlein, Feuersinger Felix, Florian Heinrich, Florian Kogler, Francisco Praxmarer, Hannah Széchényi, Hans-Peter Bremm, Hubert Pawlicki, Ines Beikircher, Jacques Biever, Jan Buley, Johanna Partl, Jonas Hefel, Josefine Blomdahl, Julian Höck, Katharina Hilber, Katherina Ostier, Laurin Nix, Lea Scholz, Leo Schleith, Ludwig Rieger, Luis Navarro, Madeleine Linta, Melanie Gmeiner, Nadia Preims, Nina Sigg, Onur Yayar, Robin Pischl, Sophia kögl, Stephanie Topf, Tripp Peter, Vera Oberlechner, Wilhelm Schlenz.